Area Rugs

Area Rugs

Some say that area rugs are like the “cherry on top” for a room. It gives that final touch that ties everything together, and this is not an exception for Sew Pretty Creations. With our years of expertise, we can help you choose from thousands of rug patterns and materials. We work with Rizzy Home, one of the best rug companies in America! Call us to set up a complimentary design consultation to view rug samples in our showroom. If for some reason you don't see something that strikes your fancy, we can send you an 18"x18" sample of a rug directly to your home. It's nice to be able to see the rug in your home with your décor before purchasing. Call us today at 570.350.2383 for more details!

Call Today at 570.350.2383 to Schedule Your Design Consultation!

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